vue3 组件库 (四):使用 vite 打包并发布到 npm 您所在的位置:网站首页 vue build打包 vue3 组件库 (四):使用 vite 打包并发布到 npm

vue3 组件库 (四):使用 vite 打包并发布到 npm

2023-04-06 20:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





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准备工作在 packages 目录下创建 vangle 目录,这个目录就是我们要发布的,在这个目录下初始化要发布的 package.json,填写必要的信息{ "name": "vangle", "version": "1.0.16", "description": "A Component Library for Vue 3", "keywords": ["vangle", "component library", "ui framework", "ui", "vue"], "homepage": "", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "license": "MIT", "main": "dist/", "module": "dist/", "unpkg": "dist/index.umd.js", "exports": { ".": { "import": "./dist/", "require": "./dist/index.umd.js", "types": "./dist/types/vangle/index.d.ts" }, "./*": "./*" }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "" }, "publishConfig": { "access": "public" }, "style": "dist/style.css", "scripts": {}, "author": "vangleer", "peerDependencies": { "vue": "^3.2.0" } }新建 index.ts 将 packages/components 目录下的组件全部导出,附加 install 方法注册全部组件export * from '../components' import type { App, Plugin } from 'vue' import { VanButton } from '@vangle/components' const components = [VanButton] as Plugin[] const INSTALLED_KEY = Symbol('INSTALLED_KEY') export const install = (app: App) => { if (app[INSTALLED_KEY]) return app[INSTALLED_KEY] = true components.forEach(comp => app.use(comp)) } export default { install } 编写打包脚本


根目录新建 scripts/build.jsconst path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') // 使用vite打包 const { build, defineConfig } = require('vite') // 用到的插件 const vue = require('@vitejs/plugin-vue') const dts = require('vite-plugin-dts') const DefineOptions = require('unplugin-vue-define-options/vite') // 根目录 const rootDir = path.resolve(__dirname, '../') // 打包后的目录 const outDir = resolve('packages/vangle/dist') const baseConfig = defineConfig({ plugins: [ vue(), DefineOptions(), dts({ include: ['packages/vangle', 'packages/components'], outputDir: path.resolve(outDir, 'types') }) ], build: { lib: { entry: resolve('packages/vangle/index.ts'), name: 'vangle', fileName: format => `index.${format}.js` }, outDir, rollupOptions: { // 确保外部化处理那些你不想打包进库的依赖 external: ['vue'], output: { // 在 UMD 构建模式下为这些外部化的依赖提供一个全局变量 globals: { vue: 'Vue' } } } } }) main() async function main() { // build await build(baseConfig) await copyFiles() } async function copyFiles() { // fs.copyFileSync( // resolve('packages/vangle/package.json'), // resolve('packages/vangle/dist/package.json') // ) fs.copyFileSync(resolve(''), resolve('packages/vangle/')) } function resolve(...urlOrUrls) { return path.resolve(rootDir, ...urlOrUrls) } 在 package.json 中添加打包脚本{ "scripts": { "build": "node ./scripts/build.js" } }发布到 npm 上


如果没有传入版本,提示可选版本根据所选版本,更新所有包 package.json 的版本号git 提交并打上 tag npm 发布,没有登录的话会提示先登录 根目录新建 scripts/release.js const { execSync } = require('child_process') const chalk = require('chalk') const path = require('path') const fs = require('fs') const semver = require('semver') const { prompt } = require('enquirer') const args = require('minimist')(process.argv.slice(2)) const currentVersion = require('../package.json').version const packages = ['vangle', 'components'] const versionIncrements = ['patch', 'minor', 'major'] const step = msg => console.log(chalk.cyan(msg)) const getPkgRoot = pkg => path.resolve(__dirname, '../packages/' + pkg) const inc = i =>, i) async function main() { let targetVersion = args._[0] // 如果没有传入版本,提示选择 if (!targetVersion) { // no explicit version, offer suggestions const { release } = await prompt({ type: 'select', name: 'release', message: 'Select release type', choices: => `${i} (${inc(i)})`).concat(['custom']) }) if (release === 'custom') { targetVersion = ( await prompt({ type: 'input', name: 'version', message: 'Input custom version', initial: currentVersion }) ).version } else { targetVersion = release.match(/\((.*)\)/)[1] } } if (!semver.valid(targetVersion)) { throw new Error(`invalid target version: ${targetVersion}`) } const { yes } = await prompt({ type: 'confirm', name: 'yes', message: `Releasing v${targetVersion}. Confirm?` }) if (!yes) { return } // update all package versions and inter-dependencies step('\nUpdating cross dependencies...') updateVersions(targetVersion) // publish packages step('\nPublishing packages...') for (const pkg of packages) { await publishPackage(pkg, targetVersion) } } main() function updateVersions(version) { // 1. update root package.json updatePackage(path.resolve(__dirname, '..'), version) // 2. update all packages packages.forEach(p => updatePackage(getPkgRoot(p), version)) } function updatePackage(pkgRoot, version) { const pkgPath = path.resolve(pkgRoot, 'package.json') const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf-8')) pkg.version = version fs.writeFileSync(pkgPath, JSON.stringify(pkg, null, 2) + '\n') } async function publishPackage(pkgName, version) { const pkgRoot = getPkgRoot(pkgName) const pkgPath = path.resolve(pkgRoot, 'package.json') const pkg = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(pkgPath, 'utf-8')) if (pkg.private) { return } step(`Publishing ${pkgName}...`) console.log(pkgRoot, 'pkgRootpkgRoot') try { execSync('git add .', { stdio: 'inherit' }) execSync(`git commit -m "chore: release v${version}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }) execSync(`git tag -a v${version} -m "v${version}"`, { stdio: 'inherit' }) execSync('npm publish', { cwd: pkgRoot, stdio: 'inherit' }) console.log(`Successfully published ${pkgName}@${version}`)) } catch (e) { if (e.stderr.match(/previously published/)) { console.log(`Skipping already published: ${pkgName}`)) } else { throw e } } } 在 package.json 中添加发布脚本{ "scripts": { "release": "node ./scripts/release.js" } }






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